Development of an app in co-creation with children, parents and schools and piloting in 3 European cities. The app facilitates childrens’ walking groups in a safe, community-led way.
JAN 2023
Active mobility / UX design / Business development
The scool2walk app promotes active mobility among children, boosting their health & creating awareness of traffic situations while creating safer school zones by reducing traffic (congestion)!
The development took place in co-creation with children, parents and schools and was piloted in 3 European cities. Iterative design cycles lead to an app that facilitates children’s walking groups in a structured, community-led way. With as a goal: Strengthening social cohesion, enhancing safer school zones and promoting physical activity for proper motor skills in early childhood!

The development of Scool2Walk began by focusing on its primary stakeholders: the children. Through interactive sessions using custom toolkits designed for primary school students, their specific needs, boundaries, and motivations were thoroughly identified and clarified.
Alongside this, sessions with parents, schools, and community police provided valuable insights into their preferences and current behavioural patterns. After a long analysis process of all outcomes; the needs were translated into design requirements: the foundation for the first design cycle of mock-ups.
With the caregivers of the pilot schools, wireframe testing and test walks led to the creation of the first version of the web app. This initial version was piloted in 3 European cities and continuously refined through iterative redesigns based on all user's feedback.


> Discovering routes & meeting points
> Scheduling walking days
> Joining as a walking buddy
> Marking dangerous/attention zones
> Chatting with the community
> Getting notifications of your child's arrival
Initially developed as part of the EIT Mobility project, Scool2Walk has grown through the Sports Innovation Incubator Program (UtrechtInc) in partnership with Multi-Sportcampus Traiectum.
As of August 2024, it has become its own entity, sCOOL2walk B.V. The focus is now on further professionalizing the app and expanding piloting areas across Europe.
Keep track: www.scool2walk.com