Reflecting thoughts or societal issues by means of miniature scenes.
| Inspiration Collage | Contra |
Strikingly different things accentuating each other, proposing an even more powerful message than it would be when its opposite message wouldn't be alongside itself.
| Inspiration Collage | Influence |
Open-minded thinking, Black & White thinking, Neutral thinking, What do you think? Think twice,Who controls it?
| Inspiration Collage | Shots of influence |
Your blind spot gets a lot of secret attention:
influences fly in from every unexpected corner.
| Inspiration Collage | Standing in between |
What step to take? Is it about right or left; or right or wrong?
| Inspiration Collage | That time of the year |
Step into the season of ice cream-stains; the smell of squeezed lemons; the surprise-element of flowers; the heat glowing from your sunburn-shoulders: it is Spring stepping into Summer.
| Inspiration Collage | A-symmetrical geometric variation|
What if geometry is combined with a bit of chaos? Or with a-symmetry? Does it become less beautiful? Shouldn't the factors influencing the opinion on this 'beauty-vision' become less specified?