Several collaborative processes with residents and visitors; analysing and co-designing for underlying needs for current (and future) mobility choices.
& 2024
Co-creation sessions involve citizens in the design process, either early to set requirements or later to test assumptions or concepts.
Two examples illustrate this. First, a session with the Municipality of Leeuwarden where residents and stakeholders co-designed a vision for a community-centered mobility hub starting with public space criteria and ending with a list of requirements. Second, co-creation research for Zuid-Holland Bereikbaar explored mobility needs and constraints, concluding with a user journey map and different scenarios to validate assumptions and solutions.
A specific approach was carefully crafted to guide the residents and facilitate a creative mindset throughout the co-creation sessions. This approach can be broken down into the following key steps:
>> Example 1: The co-creation of a social mobility hub <<
3. The 5 Golden Criteria: The clustered themes were reframed into five triggering golden criteria for valuable public spaces.
4. Projection: from public space to social mobility hub: Residents brainstormed how these criteria could be seamlessly integrated into the hub's design and functionality.
5.Futuring: To gain a profound understanding of the potential impact of the mobility hub, residents were invited to project their insights and criteria into the future by envisioning a (future) newspaper article.
1 & 2: Core values & needs: exploration: Residents brought examples of inviting public spaces. Collaboratively, they identified common/conflicting themes while exploring each other's needs.
The session yielded invaluable insights, highlighting profound sentiments of freedom, self-sufficiency, safety, and reciprocity. These insights serve as a compass for the development of the mobility hub, grounding it in the shared vision of the residents.
Through the co-creation journey and the thoughtful integration of the residents' golden criteria, we've empowered the community to actively shape the mobility hub. The result is more than just a transportation hub;
it's a vibrant space that
- fosters inclusivity,
- strengthens connections,
- cultivates a profound sense of belonging for everyone.
The requirements that resulted out of this session as wel as the one with market stakeholders is the base for the (co)design of the hub, the fundament for the municipality, in collaboration with the architect and (mobility) providers.
>> Example 2: Explorative street-research
& idea generation for visitor's mobility preferences <<
This social approach is aimed at understanding and addressing mobility challenges, particularly in the face of events or renovations that disrupt public spaces and cause traffic congestion.
Beforehand, a matrix of smart mobility solutions is tailored to address potential challenges such as traffic jams and delays to mitigate their disruptive impact. However, recognizing that hard data alone may not capture the full spectrum of user needs and preferences, street-research methods are employed to delve deeper into underlying motivations.
The insights gathered from street conversations, coupled with the results of a concurrent survey, offer valuable perspectives on functional solutions linked to individual and social motivations.
These findings shed light on various aspects regarding practical and social influences and day-to-day mobility needs.
Combining both 'hard' data (quantitative) and 'soft' data (qualitative), a human-centered mobility matrix for effective mobility management can be constructed. This inclusive approach not only enhances the efficacy of alternative mobility options during infrastructural renovations but a lasting impact on mobility choices can be reached, by continuously including citizens and monitoring the alternatives fit to their needs.
Professional stakeholders from the surrounding municipalities & Leisure Parc brought their expertise to connect their knowledge of travellers' needs and behaviour with the outcome of the previous street-research.
By means of different type of templates,
they were challenged to rethink from
a visitor-perspective journey
concerning social,
educational, health,
safety, comfort and
Idea generation